August 07, 2011

0 Computers' Work

How Does Computers Work Speedily

The question is raised in our mind when we think about the computers "How does the work speedily". First of all we must know that how does the computers work then we will be able to learn about their speedily work. Computers are the composition of the different parts as our body is consisted of the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys and many other substances too .The important organs or body parts of the computers are.

  1. CPU  ( Brain Of Computer)
  2. RAM  (Part Of Brain which read files)
  3. Monitor  ( Face of computer represents its data)
  4. Hard disk  (Memory of the computer to save the data)
  5. Keyboard  (Collection of keys on a board to write in computer)
  6. Mouse  ( The pointer with line head controller to choose file)
  7. Motherboard  ( A printed circuit)
Now i am going to tell you that how does computers work speedily? 

  1. When you click an icon or file  you provide input to computer.
  2. When turn on the computer you provide a input to it so the software (untouchable data) gives a message to the CPU so the CPU message the other devices of the computer to open then these devices make them ready to receive your more input this system of opening computer is called booting.
  3. It means that you give input to the computers through the software and computer gives a output with the help of hardware (touchable device). 
  4. Example when you click the icon of the web browser so you give the computer an input through the software in the reaction the computer gives you output by opening the web browser with the help of its main parts then you type URL to the search box so you give an input to the computer through a software and in reaction the computer provides you output it searches the modem when it finds the modem so it conveys message to it and so all the web is opened at your homepage.
  5. We can are take example of a printer when we click on the print icon so we give an input to the computer in reaction computer also gives us an output on the page.
  6. So it is a short description of the computer works.
  7. Although its speed is depended on the ram and processor that with which speed does it reads the data of the given files to it. This data is given to it in electrons form as i can give you an example by law that the human skin contains the sensory nerves which message the brain at the time of any abnormal condition the message is conveyed to the brain from the cell to cell.
  8. But in the computers 0 and 1 called as binary relation system and it is also said to be the bolean algebra. 
  9. When we type a word in computer it is changed to (0 and 1) form then it is again converted into its shape by computer and then it is displayed on monitor screen what did you wrote over there.
 So i tried to told you about the working of the computers in easy words i hope that you liked this post as i read many books and articles on the computers and their works but could not found easy way description of my needed points. So i decided to write a blog on the computers in which i can write on different descriptions and such entities related to the computers and each can help you i hope that you liked it so.
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