August 06, 2011

0 Computers

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When we think about the word Computer then we think as:
  1. Who is Computer's inventor? 
  2. How does this works speedily?
  3. What are its uses?
  4. How can we use computers for our different tasks?
  5. Will the computers control all the works of the world in future?
  6. Can the computers think as the man can do?
  7. Can computers self do some work? 
  8. How does its devices are attached to it and they work?
  9. How can we earn through computers and internet without investment? 
  10. Computers Tips.
"I am here to help you because those who help others are helped by the God, you helped me by reading this post and i helped you by giving this post"
    We that the earth is considered now as the global village we can talk to our friends,relatives and anyone within a few seconds or can be said as the microseconds. It all is possible due to the computers which can be seen as every where. The first computer was only a simple one that was not electronic and was only a simple adding machine called abacus as given below.  

    The abacus was such a computer which was used for adding only and it is still used in the china and many other countries and it is said to be the brain gainer.
    Now a days the computers are the electronic and the can also perform a lot of the tasks in the micro seconds as the computers we know.
      They have a revolutionary change to our life and have made our life very much easier as can we feel. A computer is not only consists of the CPU, Monitor, Mouse And Keyboard but it also have a lot of devices which we use for our welfare and i will describe them in my next post but what do you think upon my this concept that there will be a time in the future when the computers will control all the works of the man and they will let the man free of the burden of the hard work. We can take an example that in these days on the dairy forums the milk is gotten from the cows through the robots which are also considered as the computers as given below.
    In this image a robot computer is getting milk of a cow and the cow is giving milk without any disturbance although cow enjoys it. 
    I only quoted a simple example for you there are a lot of other examples which describe the uses of the computers in our lives although it can be said that "Our life is very hard and dull   without the computer". There ate lot a companies which make the computers but i say that there are lot a of computers which make the companies so i don't think it so that i need to write more to describe the importance of computers because it is impossible to all of us to write a descriptive note on them which can describe the uses and the advantages of the computers.
    Man the creator the computers can't describe the full definition its creation. So, i am so worried about the man who feel proud of him but don't know the perfect definition of its self created definition If you think that i am wrong then you may tell me the correct sentences about my description  so that i can know my mistake which is not known by me during reading a lot of books about the computers so i really thankful to you to have see to my blog's post. At last of this post "More you know so more you grow" Thanks.

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