August 12, 2011

0 The Difference b/w a Brain and a Computer

The Difference b/w a Brain and a Computers 
The difference b/w a brain and a computer can be expressed in a single word, that is, "complexity".
            The human brain is the most complicated thing known to us it weighs only three pounds. In these three pounds there are ten billion nerve cells and hundred billion of the other small cells which are arranged in a specific order. 

Can a computer think? it depends upon your thinking that what do you mean by the "thinking". If solving a mathematical problem is thinking then yes a computer can think. It can do this with a more speed then a man.
It is frequently said that the computers do the works only for which they are given instructions. But they can't do any thing themselves. On the other hand the man can do the works of its own thinking and also can do the works of which instructions he is given. 
The brain is made up of molecules and the molecules are made up of the atoms and atoms of the sub atomic particles. 
But the thinking of the man is defined as the creation which is used in any theory or composing a music or solving a technical problem. But the question is risen that will ever such computer will be made which will be able enough to create the human mind but for this purpose there must be a computer which can make a computer more complex then it self so this system of the complexity of the creation of the computers in a specific order will make a human mind one day and for this purpose the every bit of the mind must be copied.
 Some of the scientists think that if once the computers which can control the works of the human beings  so the man will handover its work or job to the computers and there will be a complexity explosion. So the man will be free of the hard work but we will have to wait for such time we we will handover our job to someone which will do this better then us.
  I hope you liked my post and thank you for reading it.
                                  "More you learn more you earn" 


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