August 18, 2011

0 VGA Cable

VGA cable is an analog video connector which transmits the video signals in the form of electrons from the CPU to the monitor and it is invented late in 1987s by IBM. It transmits the different colored signals (of video) which includes red, blue, green, vertical sync and horizontal sync. 
The importance of the VGA cable can be understood through the below given example.
You know that we see through our eyes buts how? the answer is that when the light falls on the retina the image is formed that image is sent to the brain through the special nerves called optic nerves so the image is seen by us. Similarly when the CPU reads any data then it sends this data to the monitor for showing us. It sends this data through a special cable called as VGA cable. The data travels to the monitor in the form of the signals or can be said as in the electronic form and that data contains a lot of colors as described above so a colorful image is formed.   

  1. VGA cable has a large rectangular connector at each side.
  2. Connector has trapezoid shaped plug.
  3. The plug of VGA cable contains 14 small pins and 15 holes. 
  4. The two screws are also present on its both ends.

  • VGA cable is used to connect the central processing(CPU) unit to the video displaying monitor.

  • The types of the VGA cable depends upon the on versions of connector.
  • Some cables contain small connectors and some large.
  • For example the VGA cable of the small connector is provided to the laptop while that of the large connector is given to the monitor. 
    • A lot of LCDs and televisions have an already installed VGA cable connector so they can be used as the monitors by connect them to CPU.
    • Due to its screws a VGA cable is easily fitted to connector.
    • VGA cable has some problems for the computers on which Microsoft window xp is installed therefor some times there occurs display problem when you play game. 
    Difference B/W VGA Cable And RGB: 

    VGA Cable
    ·       It is used usually for the monitors only.
    ·       It is connected to the VGA port on the CPU and monitor with not much satisfactory results.
    ·       It is used to send information graphic card of CPU to monitor and vice versa.
    ·       It was invented for the IBM lines of computers in 1987s.  
    ·       It is used for LCD, LED, CRT, Monitors etc.
    ·       It used for monitors, LCDs and other devices for the high level of colors results.
    ·       Its is color concept that is used for many kind of the devices such as monitors, LCD etc.
    ·       It was invented for the modern computers lines, LCD, CTR etc.
    You can buy a VGA cable from any where of $5. It is its normal cost and you can also buy this from here. You will be given high quality and low priced of VGA cable here which you will enjoy to use.

     I hope that I helped you for the topic "VGA Cable". Thanks for reading it. 


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